Course Offerings
Navigate the tabs below to see JUC’s course offerings for the next four semesters. Future course offerings are tentative and subject to change.
Spring 2025
Archaeology | |||
ARCH 5/304 | Archaeology of Jerusalem II* | 3 units | Y. Shalev |
Geography | |||
GEO 5/311 | Physical Settings of the Bible* | 4 units | E. Phillips/K. Hawn |
GEO 6/436 | Sources from Mesopotamia Related to the Land of Israel* | 3 units | A. Baruchi-Unna |
GEO 731 | Seminar in Historical Geography^ | 3 units | E. Phillips |
Hebrew and Cognate Languages | |||
HCL 6/411 | Biblical Hebrew II*+ | 4 units | E. Clem |
HCL 6/423 | Readings in Poetic Texts*^ | 3 units | E. Clem |
HCL 658 | Comparative Semitics*^ | 3 units | E. Clem |
History | |||
HIST 5/331 | History of the Second Temple Period* | 3 units | Y. Levin |
HIST 6/451 | Hermeneutics of Old Testament Texts in Jewish and Christian Tradition* |
3 units | P. Heldt |
Middle Eastern Cultures & Religions | |||
MECR 5/345 | Jewish Thought and Practice* | 3 units | M. Silberschein |
MECR 5/363 | Historical and Social Settings of Modern Israel* | 3 units | J. Kaplan |
Online: TBA |
* Courses with one or more mandatory field studies (all field studies have additional charges beyond tuition)
+ Courses with pre-requisites
^ Courses with pre-requisites open to second-year M.A. students only
# Cancellation fees will be incurred if this course is dropped after registration day
Fall 2025
Archaeology | |||
ARCH 5/300 | Biblical Archaeology I* | 3 units | J. Uziel |
Geography | |||
GEO 5/311 | Physical Settings of the Bible* | 4 units | TBA |
GEO 617 | Regional Explorations in the Historical Geography of the Land of the Bible*^ | 3 units | C. McKinny |
Hebrew and Cognate Languages | |||
HCL 6/410 | Biblical Hebrew I* | 4 units | E. Clem |
HCL 6/422 | Readings in Historical and Geographical Texts*^ | 3 units | E. Clem |
HCL 6/440 | Introduction to Aramaic*^ | 3 units | E. Clem |
HCL 6/460 | Modern Standard Arabic I | 3 units | TBA |
HCL 6/462 | Modern Hebrew I | 3 units | T. Debbi |
History | |||
HIST 5/330 | History of Ancient Israel* | 3 units | Y. Levin |
HIST 6/452 | Text Studies in Midrash, Mishnah, and Gemara: The Shared Heritage of Rabbinic Judaism and Early Christianity* | 3 units | M. Silberschein |
HIST 6/459 | Qumran and the Dead Sea Scrolls* | 3 units | A. Roitman |
Middle Eastern Cultures & Religions | |||
MECR 5/340 | History of the Church in the East* | 3 units | P. Heldt |
MECR 5/341 | History of the Jews during the Medieval and Modern Periods* | 3 units | J. Kaplan |
MECR 5/360 | Introduction to the Modern Middle East* | 3 units | O. Yinon |
MECR 5/365 | Palestinian Society and Politics* | 3 units | B. Sabella |
Online: TBA |
* Courses with one or more mandatory field studies (all field studies have additional charges beyond tuition)
+ Courses with pre-requisites
^ Courses with pre-requisites open to second-year M.A. students only
Spring 2026
Archaeology | |||
ARCH 5/301 | Biblical Archaeology II* | 3 units | Y. Shalev |
Geography | |||
GEO 5/311 | Physical Settings of the Bible* | 4 units | TBA |
GEO 6/436 | Sources from Mesopotamia Related to the Land of Israel* | 3 units | A. Baruchi-Unna |
GEO 731 | Seminar in Historical Geography^ | 3 units | O. Hersey |
Hebrew and Cognate Languages | |||
HCL 6/411 | Biblical Hebrew II*+ | 4 units | E. Clem |
HCL 6/420 | Post-biblical Hebrew: Second Temple Period^ | 3 units | E. Clem |
HCL 6/442 | Introduction to Aramaic Dialects*+ | 3 units | E. Clem |
HCL 6/463 | Modern Hebrew II+ | 3 units | T. Debbi |
History | |||
HIST 5/321 | Cultural Backgrounds of the Bible*# | 3 units | O. Hersey |
HIST 5/331 | History of the Second Temple Period* | 3 units | Y. Levin |
HIST 6/451 | Hermeneutics of Old Testament Texts in Jewish and Christian Tradition* |
3 units | P. Heldt |
HIST 6/457 | The Parables of Jesus and Rabbinic Meshalim* | 3 units | M. Silberschein |
HIST 6/470 | Iconographic Art in Judaism and Christianity* | 3 units | S. Laderman |
Middle Eastern Cultures & Religions | |||
MECR 5/345 | Jewish Thought and Practice* | 3 units | M. Silberschein |
MECR 5/348 | Islamic Thought and Practice* | 3 units | D. Sharef-Davidovich |
MECR 5/363 | Historical and Social Settings of Modern Israel* | 3 units | J. Kaplan |
MECR 750 | Seminar in Middle Eastern Cultures and Religions^ | 3 units | J. Kaplan |
Online: TBA |
* Courses with one or more mandatory field studies (all field studies have additional charges beyond tuition)
+ Courses with pre-requisites
^ Courses with pre-requisites open to second-year M.A. students only
# Cancellation fees will be incurred if this course is dropped after registration day
Fall 2026
Archaeology | |||
ARCH 5/303 | Archaeology of Jerusalem I* | 3 units | J. Uziel |
Geography | |||
GEO 5/311 | Physical Settings of the Bible* | 4 units | TBA |
GEO 617 | Regional Explorations in the Historical Geography of the Land of the Bible*^ | 3 units | C. McKinny |
Hebrew and Cognate Languages | |||
HCL 6/410 | Biblical Hebrew I* | 4 units | E. Clem |
HCL 6/415 | Readings in Biblical Hebrew Narrative*+ | 3 units | E. Clem |
HCL 655 | Northwest Semitic Dialects*^ | 3 units | E. Clem |
HCL 6/460 | Colloquial Arabic I | 3 units | TBA |
HCL 6/462 | Modern Hebrew I | 3 units | T. Debbi |
History | |||
HIST 5/330 | History of Ancient Israel* | 3 units | Y. Levin |
HIST 5/335 | Ancient Egypt and the Bible* | 3 units | O. Hersey |
HIST 6/454 | Intertestamental Literature* | 3 units | A. Roitman |
HIST 6/452 | Text Studies in Midrash, Mishnah, and Gemara: The Shared Heritage of Rabbinic Judaism and Early Christianity* | 3 units | M. Silberschein |
HIST 6/471 | The Life and Times of Paul* | 3 units | C. Vlachos |
Middle Eastern Cultures & Religions | |||
MECR 5/340 | History of the Church in the East* | 3 units | P. Heldt |
MECR 5/342 | History of the Holy Land from the Rise of Islam to 1948* | 3 units | J. Kaplan |
MECR 5/360 | Introduction to the Modern Middle East* | 3 units | O. Yinon |
MECR 5/365 | Palestinian Society and Politics* | 3 units | B. Sabella |
Online: TBA |
* Courses with one or more mandatory field studies (all field studies have additional charges beyond tuition)
+ Courses with pre-requisites
^ Courses with pre-requisites open to second-year M.A. students only