GEO 731 Seminar in Historical Geography - Credit Hours: 3
Semester normally offered: Spring
Course Description
An investigation of ways to integrate and communicate the regional and geographical realities of the land of the Bible. Particular emphasis will be placed on the interface of textual, archaeological, historical and geographical data. The course is offered as a seminar with the student producing a sizeable written project adapting data from this and other courses into a curriculum chosen for a particular audience. Prerequisite: GEO 5/311 and GEO 617. Open to second-year M.A. students.
Course Equivalencies
Curriculum development
Course Objectives
By the end of the course, the student should be able to:
identify, quantify and discuss major historical issues related to each of the regions of the land of ancient Israel for all of the biblical time periods;
access a wide range of bibliographic materials covering the historical geography of ancient Israel and its neighbors;
identify, collect, organize and present materials on a given region or site for the purpose of teaching that region or site.
Field Study
J.R. Briggs
Marsha Wright
Dongwook Joo
Greg Olson
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