HCL 6/423 Readings in Poetic Texts - Credit Hours: 3
Semester normally offered: Alternate Spring Semesters
Course Description
A linguistic, literary, textual and exegetical study of biblical Hebrew poetic texts. This course builds on the foundation laid in beginning Hebrew courses. Prerequisite: HCL 6/410 and HCL 6/411. Open to second-year M.A. students.
Course Equivalencies
Language - Hebrew
Course Objectives
By the end of the course, the student should be able to:
read biblical Hebrew poetic texts with an understanding of how they work;
have a good understanding of biblical Hebrew grammar & syntax;
know all of the vocabulary occurring 10 or more times in the Hebrew Bible;
know how the biblical Hebrew verbal system functions;
be able to do exegesis of the Hebrew Bible; and
be capable of doing further research in biblical history and geography that requires interaction with the Hebrew text.
Field Study
A one-day interactive field study at a site where students can encounter biblical Hebrew texts, such as the Israel Museum or a synagogue.
J.R. Briggs
Marsha Wright
Dongwook Joo
Greg Olson
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