MECR 5/365 Palestinian Society and Politics - Credit Hours: 3
Semester normally offered: Fall
Course Description
A study of the socio-economic, organizational and political components of Palestinian society, with a focus on pertinent current developments.
Course Equivalencies
Middle Eastern Studies
Political Science
Conflict Resolution Studies
Course Objectives
By the end of the course, the student should be:
familiar with Palestinian society, politics and culture from an academic perspective that respects the differences in culture and society while drawing attention to the crosscutting norms and modalities across societies;
sensitized to the issues surrounding the political conflict between Palestinians and Israelis, with students gaining a comparative historical perspective that helps them better understand present realities;
introduced to Palestinian Christian communities and their churches in the social, cultural, political, economic and religious context in which they find themselves;
encouraged to look deeper into religious, social and cultural aspects of Palestinian society in order to better understand the motivations and dynamics of relationships within the society, and;
motivated to bring their own perspective and vision for the resolution of the political conflict, and their ideas for how Palestinian society can better cope with issues of peace and war, and building a democratic, open and pluralist society.
Field Study
In-Residence Only: A one-day interactive field study to meet with government and non-governmental agencies and religious organizations and discuss current developments within Palestinian society.
J.R. Briggs
Marsha Wright
Dongwook Joo
Greg Olson
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