B.A., M.A., Ph.D., The Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Faculty of Humanities of The Hebrew University of Jerusalem and faculty at the Rothberg International School at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and Haifa University. Published author. Began teaching at JUC in 2011.
B.A., The Master’s College; M.A., M.Div., Trinity International University; M.Phil., Ph.D., Hebrew Union College - Jewish Institute of Religion. Ordained rabbi. Published author. Began teaching at JUC in 2011.
B.A., Moody Bible Institute; graduate studies, Jerusalem University College; M.A., M.A., Trinity Evangelical Divinity School. Ph.D. Candidate, Bar Ilan University. Excavations at Khirbet Qeiyafa and Abel Beth Maacah. Former Dean at Jerusalem University College. Published author. Began teaching at JUC in 2017.
B.A., M.A The Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Hebrew instructor, Rothberg International School at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Began teaching at JUC in 2022.
Mag. Theol., Humboldt University Berlin (Kirchliche Hochschule); Ph.D., The Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Director of the Ecumenical Theological Research Fraternity in Israel. Ordained minister. Published author. Began teaching at JUC in 1990.
President, Jerusalem University College. B.A., Calvin College; M.A., Trinity Evangelical Divinity School; Ph.D., Trinity Evangelical Divinity School. Began teaching at JUC in 2021.
B.A., M.A., Ph.D., in Modern Jewish History, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Recipient of the Herzl Fellows Award. Past Vice Provost, Rothberg International School at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Born in the U.S., resided in Israel since 1972. Published author. Began teaching at JUC in 1986.
B.A., M.A., Ph.D., The Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Lecturer, Schechter Institute of Jewish Studies. Published author. Began teaching at JUC in 2018.
B.A., M.A., Ph.D., Bar-Ilan University. Faculty, Bar-Ilan University. Excavations at Sumaqa (Mt. Carmel), Kefar Hanania, Beth Shemesh and Tell es-Safi (Gath). Published author. Began teaching at JUC in 2006.
B.A., The Master's College; M.A., Jerusalem University College; M.A., Bar Ilan University; Ph.D., Bar Ilan University. Research Fellow, Gesher Media. Excavations at Tel Burna, Tell es-Safi, Kiriath-jearim, and Horvat Eres. Senior staff member, Tel Burna Archaeological Project. Ordained minister. Published author. Began teaching at JUC in 2021.
M.A., University of Buenos Aires; M.A., Ph.D., The Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Ordained rabbi. Curator and Director, The Shrine of the Book, Israel Museum. Published author. Began teaching at JUC in 2017.
B.A., Franklin and Marshall College; Ph.D., The University of Virginia. Faculty and Chair, Department of Social Science, Bethlehem University. Elected member of the Palestinian Legislative Council representing Jerusalem. Published author. Began teaching at JUC in 1994.
B.A., M.A., The Hebrew University of Jerusalem; Ph.D., The University of Haifa. Senior field archaeologist at the Israel Antiquities Authority. Excavations at Tel Dor, Tel Esur, and the City of David (Giva’ti Parking Lot). Published author. Began teaching at JUC in 2022.
B.A., M.A., The Hebrew University of Jerusalem; Ph.D., Ben-Gurion University of the Negev. Faculty, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev. Published author. Began teaching at JUC in 2012.
B.A., Columbia University; B.H.L., M.H.L., Jewish Theological Seminary. Faculty, Hebrew Union College - Jewish Institute of Religion. Ordained rabbi. Began teaching at JUC in 1992.
B.A., M.A., Ph.D., Bar-Ilan University. Archaeologist and head of the Dead Sea Scrolls Unit at the Israel Antiquities Authority. Excavations in the City of David and the Western Wall Tunnels. Published author. Began teaching at JUC in 2021.
M.A., Trinity Evangelical Divinity School; Ph.D., Wheaton College; Former Director of Semester in Jerusalem Program, Wheaton College. Published author. Began teaching at JUC in 2021.
B.A., M.A., The Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Published author. Began teaching at JUC in 1987.
B.A., Northwestern College; M.Div., Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary; Th.M., Ph.D., Trinity Evangelical Divinity School. Freelance writer and consultant; Faculty, Bible World Seminars. Published author. Began teaching at JUC in 2008.
B.A., Asbury College; M.A., Asbury Theological Seminary; M.Phil., Ph.D., Hebrew Union College - Jewish Institute of Religion. Associate Professor of Old Testament and Near East Studies, Indiana Wesleyan University. Began teaching at JUC in 2016.
B.A., Colorado State University; M.Div., Denver Conservative Baptist Seminary; Ph.D., Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion. Faculty, Columbia International University (1985-2021). Published author. Began teaching at JUC in 2006.
B.A., Moody Bible Institute; graduate studies, Jerusalem University College; M.A., M.A., Trinity Evangelical Divinity School. Ph.D. Candidate, Bar Ilan University. Excavations at Khirbet Qeiyafa and Abel Beth Maacah. Former Dean at Jerusalem University College. Published author. Began teaching at JUC in 2017.
B.A., Millar College of the Bible; M.A., Jerusalem University College; M.A., Trinity Western University; Ph.D. Candidate, New York University. Began teaching at JUC in 2017.
B.A., Gordon College; M.A., M.A., Jerusalem University College; M.Phil., Ph.D. Candidate, University of Oxford. Published author. Began teaching at JUC in 2018.
B.S., University of Oregon; M.Div., Th.M., Western Seminary; Th.D., Dallas Theological Seminary; graduate studies, Institute of Holy Land Studies. Professor of Biblical Literature, Western Seminary. Published author. Began teaching at JUC in 2007.
B.A., Oklahoma State University; M.A., Jerusalem University College; Ph.D., Bar Ilan University. Published author. Began teaching at JUC in 2010.
B.A., Wheaton College; M.A., Institute of Holy Land Studies; graduate studies, Hebrew University; M.A., Ph.D., Harvard University. Associate Professor of Old Testament and Semitic Languages, Trinity Evangelical Divinity School. Excavations at Jerusalem, Har-Tuv, Timnah, Lachish, Qeiyafa, Abel Beth-Maacah, Ashkelon. Published author. Began teaching at JUC in 1988.
B.A., Butler University; M.A., M.A.R., Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary; graduate studies, Jerusalem University College; Ph.D., University of Gloucestershire. Director of Education and Conversation at Resurrection Philadelphia. Published author. Began teaching at JUC in 2006.
B.A., Northland International University; M.A., M.A., Jerusalem University College; M.A., Bar-Ilan University. Award-winning filmmaker. Docent at The Writers’ Gathering. Excavations at Tel Gezer. Published author. Began teaching at JUC in 2018.
B.A., Beloit College; M.Div., Biblical Theological Seminary; M.A., Institute of Holy Land Studies; Ph.D., Cornell University. Former adjunct faculty, Gordon College. Published author. Began teaching at JUC in 1977.
B.A., Cornell University; M.Div., Biblical Theological Seminary; M.A., Institute of Holy Land Studies; Ph.D., The Dropsie College for Hebrew and Cognate Learning. Professor Emerita of Biblical and Theological Studies, Gordon College. Published author. Began teaching at JUC in 1997.
B.A., Luther College; B.D., Th.M., Trinity Evangelical Divinity School; graduate studies, Institute of Holy Land Studies; Ph.D., The Dropsie College for Hebrew and Cognate Learning. Professor of Old Testament, Bethel University. Began teaching at JUC in 1973.
B.A., Briercrest Bible College; M.A., Jerusalem University College; Ph.D. Bar Ilan University. Faculty, Biblical and Religious Studies, Fresno Pacific University. Excavations at Tell Miqne, Tell es-Safi and Qumran. Published author. Began teaching at JUC in 1997.
B.A., Trinity Christian College; M.A., Jerusalem University College; Ph.D. Candidate, University of Chicago. Excavations at Zincirli and Tel Keisan. Published author. Began teaching at JUC in 2011.
President Emeritus, Jerusalem University College. B.A., Bethel University; M.A., Institute of Holy Land Studies / Jerusalem University College; M.A., Trinity Evangelical Divinity School; M.Phil, Ph.D., Hebrew Union College. Excavations at Ramat Rachel, Giloh, and Tel Rehov. Recipient of the President's Medallion, Hebrew Union College. Published author. Began teaching at JUC in 1996.
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